Local SERVPRO Explains the Importance of Having a Plan to Address Water Damage
Sunday, April 19th 2020, 1:35 AM

Residential Water Damage Restoration Case Study: The Newlywed Nightmare

KELLER, United States - April 16, 2020 / SERVPRO of Grapevine/NE Tarrant Co /

A functional plumbing system is something that many people take for granted. It is expected that when a faucet is turned on the water flows out and when the faucet is turned off the water stops flowing. Homeowners may have never considered the possibility that their plumbing may malfunction and if that possibility occurs, they may not know how to react or who to call. SERVPRO of Grapevine/NE Tarrant County has ample experience in dealing with residential water damage from plumbing emergencies and other disasters. Over the years the team of restoration experts has come to the rescue of many water damage situations. Analyzing a case study can help people anticipate a water damage emergency and create a response plan should such an emergency take place. Consider the following hypothetical scenario.

water damage restoration

A pair of newlyweds have worked tirelessly to have their new home ready and waiting for them when they return from their honeymoon. On the day of their wedding, they made last-minute preparations at their new home including having a plumber connect their plumbing to the city water. Not giving a second thought to the plumbing, the couple enjoys a flawless wedding and a romantic honeymoon.

Excited about their new home, the newlyweds decided to return from their honeymoon a few days early. As they turned into their neighborhood, they noticed a stream of water along the edge of the street. The newlyweds thought that perhaps someone was washing a car or watering their lawn or maybe the city is flushing a fire hydrant. Only when the couple pulls into their driveway that they discover the source of the water. Water is pouring out from under their new home and cascading from under the front door. The kitchen floor buckles and anything touching the floor is wet and saturated with water. What had happened to their dream home?

To their horror, the newlyweds discovered that the plumber had connected the water line but failed to thoroughly check all the connections inside the home. As a result, the waterline to the ice maker had been irrigating the carpeting for almost four days.

Immediately the newlyweds shut off the electricity and the water meter and tightened the connection to the ice maker so that the deluge would stop flowing. They assessed the extent of the damage and took lots of pictures with their smartphones for documentation. After unplugging fixtures and appliances and rescuing sensitive electronic equipment including computers and gaming systems, the newlyweds called their insurance agents. But the couple is still faced with a massive problem. Cleaning up is far beyond their capabilities. What would they do? Where do they go from here? Who would they call?

A situation similar to the above scenario is not uncommon. Whether it's from human error, a burst pipe, or a malfunctioning household appliance. Millions of people experience some kind of water damage emergency each year. If people do not have a plan in place, they can be met with mountains of stress and anxiety. However, if homeowners have a trusted water damage restoration specialist they can turn to then they can minimize stress and quickly get back on their feet.

Thankfully, the newlyweds knew to call their local SERVPRO to help manage the effects of the flooding. Realizing they need professional help, the couple called their local SERVPRO to begin the process of cleaning up the mess and restoring their home to its original condition. Though it was after hours, a real person answered the phone and assured the couple that a crew would be on the scene in about an hour. The operator reassured the newlyweds that everything would be fine. She gave them some further safety tips and provided instructions on how they could prepare for the arrival of the crew.

In less than an hour, the SERVPRO restoration specialists arrived and the team performed a thorough water extraction process removing any contaminants and preventing the growth of any mold. Their strong but safe vacuum system extracted water without harming the carpet or flooring. Because many building materials retain water, SERVPRO dried and dehumidified the home once all visible water was extracted. The house was then cleaned and sanitized and odors were removed. This process was especially important to the couple since the husband had asthma and the wife was allergic to mold. Until the SERVPRO team was finished, the newlyweds headed to the nearest hotel. Finally, SERVPRO restored their home so well that the house looked like the water damage never even happened. Although the water damage experience was not something they expected or wanted, they had peace of mind knowing that their home was in good hands.

For more information about water damage restoration services, contact SERVPRO of Grapevine/NE Tarrant County at (817) 595-2506.

Contact Information:

SERVPRO of Grapevine/NE Tarrant Co

KELLER, TX 76248
United States

Derek Shaw
(817) 595-2506

Original Source: https://www.servprograpevinenetarrantco.com/blog/post/209622/water-damage-restoration/residential-water-damage-restoration-case-study-the-newlywed-nightmare


SERVPRO of Grapevine/NE Tarrant Co. specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage. SERVPRO of Grapevine/NE Tarrant Co. can also mitigate mold and mildew


Derek Shaw
SERVPRO of Grapevine/NE Tarrant Co

KELLER, TX, 76248, United States

E-Mail office@servproheb.com

Phone (817) 595-2506


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